Development of the Mediumship - Level 1
Only in private lessons and by videoconference
I propose to guide you on a path of wisdom in order to discover the different forms of mediumship, such as clear feeling, clairvoyance, clairaudience and channeling, in order to experience them through a practice in private lessons.
I will also teach you the structure of the first spheres of the celestial world.
I will guide you through intuitive and practical exercises to recognize the type of mediumship you use naturally. In this way, you will move forward in understanding how your own sensitivity works.
Each exercise is followed by a time for discussion and sharing in order to pose the questions necessary for a complete integration of the lived experience.
Level 1 Development of Mediumship is made up of 2 workshop courses of 3 hours each.
The price of each course is 400 euros for 3 hours of lessons.

1rst course & workshop - Development of Mediumship - Level 1
1h30 Spiritual Teaching:
- Theoretical introduction to the different types of extrasensory perceptions: telepathy, clair feeling, clairvoyance, channeling or clairaudience
- Extrasensory perceptions and the Akashic Field
- The pineal gland and Ajna Chakra
- Ethics of the medium
- The “Light of the Heart” and “Right Vision”
- Difference between grounding and anchoring with the aim of raising your energetic frequency
1h30 practical:
- Meditation of grounding and connection to the heart to prepare for the practice
- Telepathy exercise + sharing and debriefing
- Intuition exercise with development of clear feeling which opens onto clairvoyance + sharing and debriefing
- Mediumship exercise with development of clear feeling, clairvoyance and clairaudience + sharing and debriefing

2nd course & workshop - Development of Mediumship - Level 1
1h30 Spiritual Teaching:
- The egregores
- Collective consciousness and collective unconscious
- Metaphors and archetypes in mediumship
- Glimpses of the first spheres of the celestial world, their interactivity with terrestrial life
- Difference between the disembodied, the Guides, the soul groups, the corporations, the entities of light and the Angels
1h30 practical:
- Meditation of grounding and connection to the heart to prepare for the practice
- Channeling exercise with discovery and connection to your Main Guide + sharing and debriefing
- Answers to questions
If you want to register for the Development of Mediumship - Level 1,
please send an email tocim.guykhandjian@gmail.com

“Extrasensory perceptions are at the center of our human relationships. Learning to discover this nature, which is in each of us, allow us to discover ourselves in a world of new possibilities in connection with our light and that of the world”.